はじめまして、TOEIC Testsです。わたしたちは、あなたの英語力をスコアで可視化するテストです。その役割は「採点」ではなく「応援」。あなたの英語を、未来を、応援したいのです。「英語力」は就活や仕事に役立つことはもちろん、友だち、恋愛、カルチャーなど、あなたの人生におけるさまざまな出会いや選択肢を増やし、より彩り豊かな明日へと導いてくれます。TOEIC Testsは、大学生の皆さんの「なりたい未来」を叶えたい。あらゆるボーダーが問い直されるグローバル時代を生きる、あなたのパートナーになれたらうれしいです。
Hi, everyone. TOEIC Tests visualize your English proficiency via scores. Our purpose is not “grading,” but “supporting.” We want to support your English skills for your future. “English proficiency” not only benefits you in job hunting and business, but also expands your friendships, love, and cultural experiences, so as to provide various opportunities in your life, leading you to a more colorful and prosperous future. TOEIC fulfills your future goals. We want to accompany you to cross and explore diverse borders in the upcoming global era.
ラッパー Skaai
英語、さらにTOEIC Testsについて、世界で活躍する先輩にインタビュー。1人目は、オーディション番組『ラップスタア誕生!』(ABEMA)にて、学業と音楽の両立に苦悩する様子が感動を呼んだラッパーのSkaaiさん。ときに内省的な彼の楽曲の背景には、多様なバックグラウンド、そして中学生にしてアメリカへ渡った原体験が深く関わっているという。

The sense of “being different from everyone else” turned into a determination to “live through expression” after going to the United States.
People who actively carry out their career around the world are interviewed about the English language and TOEIC Tests. The first interviewee is Skaai, a rapper who gained recognition on the audition program “Rap Star Tanjo” (ABEMA), where his struggles to balance academics and music inspired people. His introspective songs are deeply influenced by his diverse background and his formative experience of moving to the United States as a middle school student.

1997年生まれ。九州大学大学院を中退後、本格的にラッパーとして活動開始。日本語、英語、韓国語によってつづられるリリックに注目が集まり、「Period.」「Nectar.」などの楽曲が話題に。2023年、EP『WE’LL DIE THIS WAY』をリリース
Born in 1997. After dropping out of the Graduate School of Kyushu University, Skaai began his career as a rapper. His lyrics, written in Japanese, English, and Korean, have garnered attention, with tracks like “Period.” and “Nectar.” becoming popular. In 2023, he released an EP titled “WE’LL DIE THIS WAY”.
While studying law in graduate school, I started my career as a rapper. The decision I made at the age of 23 to “live as a full-fledged artist” is closely tied to the English language in my life.
I have a mixed background. My parents are South Korean and Malaysian Chinese. I grew up in Japan with American citizenship. Since childhood, I would often hear words like, “Why can’t you speak English even though you’re American?” That motivated me to think, “If that’s the case, I’ll go to America,” and I moved to the United States from middle school.
In the world of American kids, showcasing stationery brought from Japan to be popular for a moment was one thing, but to truly gain acceptance, “language” was essential. To achieve the goal, I even trained myself by approaching American elderly couples passing by in front of a supermarket to engage in conversations. This way, I could experience the small success of being able to catch a conversation at first, and gradually, I developed the skills to figure out how to connect with someone in an English-speaking environment.
However, living in an English-speaking environment made me realize that I needed to improve my English from the beginner level, which simply follows the vibe of a conversation. I even took TOEIC Tests when I returned to Japan temporarily. Seeing my scores accumulate was truly satisfying. From that point on, I made up my mind to try my best and took the test seriously. Even when I entered the graduate school (International Course, Graduate School of Law at Kyushu University), the classes were conducted in English. I expanded the range of accessible literature, thanks to my English skills, and the path of becoming a researcher seemed possible.
It’s not about being “the same as everyone else.” It’s about “how do I want to live?”

For me, even when I was a child growing up in Japan, there were always things that made me feel somewhat different. For instance, my family’s way of speaking at home was slightly different from Japanese, or we didn’t have osechi dishes for New Year like everyone else. Being different from others bothered me.
But when I went to the United States, I was surrounded by various students such as those whose parents are French and German, but born in Ireland, and so on. Despite that, I started to ask a bigger question, “Who am I?” It was not about my parents; it was about how I wanted to live.
With that kind of original experience, I eventually chose a path as an artist who uses music to express myself instead of living as a researcher.
Even after starting my career as an artist, I feel the benefits of being able to speak English. Musicians from abroad who listen to my music sometimes send me a DM (direct message). I can respond to them in English and communicate if they want to collaborate.
In terms of expression, I can switch between English, when I need something to pack a punch in my lyrics, and Japanese for introspective moments. Conversely, I sometimes wonder, “Which language would best express the thoughts in my head?” Languages can be awkward at times…anyway, it is quite fascinating.
Crossing borders allows you to see “yourself.”

Lifetime is limited, isn’t it? I think it is a shame to come to the end without seeing unknown worlds. After going to the U.S. and looking at Japan from there, I re-examined Japan and came to realize that “This is how Japan is,” or “Although the news is the same, how it is reported in Japan is so different from that in America,” and so on. By making these comparisons, you can develop your own point of view about Japan, thinking it is either “a comfortable place to live” or “an uncomfortable place.” Going abroad is important to understand more about yourself.
People often say, “The power of music transcends language.” I really think it does. I love music, I do hip-hop, and I feel it is right.
However, it is true that people may not find what they really like during their time at university. For those who cannot find their passion and continue searching, I highly recommend learning English and using it as a tool! I thought that from the very beginning as well. I do not want to force you to do something, but I want to convey that once you acquire this “tool,” it will provide you with more possibilities.
monopo 代表 佐々木芳幸

As an entrepreneur and as a human being: English guided me to embrace a purely enjoyable life.
The company “monopo,” which was started by students, has now grown into a creative agency with bases in five major cities worldwide. In the approximately 10 years since its establishment, “monopo” has collaborated with top creators from various countries and handled creative advertising for global enterprises. We interviewed the company’s founder, Yoshiyuki Sasaki, about his opinions on the language “English.”

佐々木芳幸/Yoshiyuki Sasaki
Yoshiyuki Sasaki
Born in Hokkaido. Founded a company named “monopo” during his time as a student at Waseda University in 2011. With a diverse team of creators from different countries, the company currently deals with tasks such branding strategy and advertising planning for domestic and international enterprises.
Now I can fluently use English at work, and business communications are conducted mainly in English. However, during my student years, I struggled with English. When I entered university, I was engrossed in music club activities while focusing on launching my business. I distinctly remember my partner said “If you want to be an entrepreneur, speaking English is essential.” She was the kind of person who would study English even during our dates because she aspired to work for a foreign-affiliated company. I had my pride of feeling like I was already working like an adult, ahead of those around me, which made it hard for me to follow her advice.
After a few years, “monopo” was growing steadily by mainly focusing on commissioned advertising production on an outsourcing basis, and I even had my own office at the age of 24 or 25…Then I became cocky. I reached the limit (of my growth and motivation), and I felt a sense of emptiness no matter what I did. Perhaps due to that state, I also went through a breakup with my girlfriend. I was in shock and thought, “I’ll do everything she told me and prove myself.” So, I started attending English conversation classes, and I even bought a TOEIC study guide. When I look back, I think that was the turning point.
If it is in English, I could express my “vision” without distraction.

At that time, as an entrepreneur, I was struggling because I could not effectively convey the company’s direction or a “vision” to my employees. I had an attitude of brushing it off with comments like, “Companies talking about their ‘vision’ are not cool.”
It was during casual conversations with my English teacher that I realized something: “If it is in English, I can genuinely express my thoughts.”
In Japanese, I would often have thoughts like, “I want to appear cool,” and distractions would creep in. But back then, I could only speak basic English, and perhaps due to the linguistic characteristics, I was able to purely express my thoughts. My teacher even said, “You’re cool! Speak more!” From there, during English lessons, we started creating the company’s vision together, with my teacher asking me questions like, “If you had the opportunity to do a presentation right in the heart of New York, what would you talk about?”
“poweredby.tokyo” is a global media curated by monopo
Communication with people you like enriches both your work and life.
僕らは毎月、東京オフィスで「monopo night」という交流イベントを主催しているのですが、2019年に、ロンドン支社を設立した際、現地でもイベントを開くことになったんです。ロンドンに行くのも初めてでしたが、到着した初めての夜、会場には100人ものクリエイターたちが集まってくれていました。壇上で英語でスピーチしたんですが……僕、泣いちゃったんですよ。組織をうまくリードできない自分に悩んだこともあったけど、こんなにも多くの人と気持ちを通い合わせることができたって。最高の経験でしたね。
大学生の皆さんにアドバイスですか? 大学時代って、自分に悶々として苦しむと思うんです。それって、内省が深まる大事な時間。内省した考えをアウトプットして整理するためにも英語学習をスタートするのはいいことだと思います。「人生を変えたい、ターニングポイントにしたい」と思ったら、スタートの合図的にTOEICを受験してみるといいと思いますよ。僕も、素直にもっと早くから始めておけばよかったって思ってます(笑)。
In Tokyo, we host a monthly networking event called “monopo night,” and in 2019, we established a London branch. Eventually, we decided to hold this event in the UK as well. On the first night, about 100 creators gathered at the venue. I delivered a speech in English, and I cried. I had faced challenges in leading the organization effectively, but being able to connect with so many people and talk about my feelings was a fantastic experience.
monopo is a company that brings together creators beyond all over the world
Is there any advice for students? I believe that during your years at university, you may often feel restless and struggle with your thoughts. However, it is an important time for deep introspection. Starting to learn English could be a great way to express your thoughts and organize them. If you ever think, “I want to have a new beginning of life,” I think TOEIC Tests are a good starting point. I also wish I had started it earlier. (Laughs).

「フリースタイルバスケットボールサークルに所属しています」原 龍大|多摩美術大学1年(東京都出身)
「ボーカルとコーラスを務める学生楽団『J-POP CLASSIC CLUB TOKYO』の動画が450万回以上再生されています」神下芽衣|聖心女子大学大学院1年(東京都出身)
「ワーキングホリデーで、オーストラリアに行くのが夢! 接客の仕事をしてみたい」
TOEIC Testsをより深く、より楽しく知っていただくために、ここでは、さまざまな情報をわかりやすくご紹介! そもそもの「概要」から、「皆がどんな目的で受けているか?」さらには、気になる「就活との関連性」まで……。受験することで得られるメリットも、きっとイメージできるはず!
TOEIC Tests つの特長
世界160カ国、14,000団体で使われているグローバルなテスト。国内では2,900団体※が利用している。 ※TOEIC Program
TOEIC Testsの種類って?
TOEIC Testsとは、「聞く」「読む」英語力をマークシート形式で測る一斉客観テストの「TOEIC Listening & Reading Test」と、「話す」「書く」英語力をPCを使って実施し人が採点する「TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests」のこと。どちらもアメリカのテスト開発機関「ETS」が作ったテストで、採点もETSでおこなわれている。

800点は、友人・知人のいるパーティーで英語でスピーチができるレベル。600点は、空港の出入国カウンターでやりとりができるレベル。300点でも、自己紹介で家族構成について説明できるレベル。あなたは何をしたい? ※TOEIC L&R Can Doガイド【学生用】より
大学生がTOEIC Testsを受ける理由って?
受験の目的を調査! 大学生・短大生のテスト申し込み時のアンケートでは、TOEIC L&Rで「就職活動に必要」が27.1%でトップに。下記のスコアを目指して、アピールするのもオススメ! ほか、「英語力の確認」や「進学のため」という声も。 ※TOEIC Tests公開テスト申込時アンケート(2022年度)より
大学1年生の平均スコアと、「就職活動までに目指してほしいスコア」を比較。少し開きはあるが、“未来”のために楽しんで学べば、吸収もはやいはず! ※大学1年生の平均スコア=『TOEIC Program DATA & ANALYSIS 2023』IPテストデータより