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So, Mana, tell me about your trip to Thailand. Did everything go well?
Yes, Will, it turned out to be a very productive trip. The day after I arrived I inspected our factory, and the next day I met with our new local parts supplier.
I heard there was a rainstorm while you were there.
Yes, the weather wasn’t very pleasant, but fortunately I wasn’t affected at all. Everything went according to plan for the most part, and I checked out five potential sites for our new factory, too. I’ll put everything together in a report and email it to you by the end of the week.
Sounds like you accomplished a lot in just three days. What was your impression of the new supplier?
Well, they’ve been doing a great job so far, so I was anxious to meet the CEO. He seemed like a very sincere man. Deeply committed to his job. I think we have a good partnership.
That’s good to hear. How were the factory sites? Did you find any that stood out from the others?
Yes, there’s one site in this new industrial park that’s quite amazing. It’s in an excellent location, and they have top-level facilities. It’s a bit over our budget, but I think it’s still worth it. I’ll show you some of the photos I took after I send you my report.
I look forward to it. So, it sounds like everything went smoothly.
Actually, I had some stomach problems on the last day, but I got over them, thanks to the local coordinator. She was very helpful throughout the whole trip.


Yes, Will, it turned out to be a very productive trip.
turn out (to be)…は「結果的に~になる」という意味で、We got off to a rocky start, but things turned out very well.(出だしは前途多難だったが、結果的にとてもうまくいった)のように使われます。productiveは本来「生産的な」という意味で、ここでは「実り多い」という意味で使っています。fruitful(実り多い)やmeaningful(有意義な)と言うこともできます。
Everything went according to plan for the most part, and I checked out five potential sites for our new factory, too.
according to planは「予定通りに」という意味で、as plannedやaccording to scheduleなどと言うこともできます。for the most partは「大部分は」という意味で、似た表現にmostly(ほとんど)、pretty much(大体)、generally(全体的に)、more or less(おおよそ)などがあります。
I’ll put everything together in a report and email it to you by the end of the week.
put…togetherは「~をまとめる」という意味です。「報告書を提出する」という場合、ほかにもfile a reportやsubmit a reportと言うこともできます。
What was your impression of the new supplier?
What was (is) your impression of…?は「~の印象はどうでしたか(どうですか)?」という意味です。相手の感想や意見を尋ねる表現としては、ほかにもWhat did you think of…?(~についてどう思いましたか?)、What’s your opinion on…?(~についてのあなたの意見は?)、What did you make of…?(~についてどう思いましたか?)などがあります。
That’s good to hear.
直訳すると「それは聞いて良いことだ」、つまり「それは良かった」という意味になります。似た表現に、I’m glad to hear that.(そう聞いてうれしい)、That’s good news.(それは良い知らせだ)、That’s great/amazing/wonderful.(それは素晴らしい)、What a relief.(ほっとした)などがあります。
Actually, I had some stomach problems on the last day, but I got over them, thanks to the local coordinator.
thanks to…は「~のおかげで」という意味で、I got over them, thanks to the local coordinator.はThe local coordinator helped me get over them.(現地コーディネーターの手助けで乗り越えることができました)などと言い換えることもできます。

ライター 伊東 裕子 
Yuko Ito

愛媛県出身。早稲田大学卒業後、月刊誌『English Journal』(アルク)の編集に携わった後、フルブライト奨学生としてボストン大学院プリント・ジャーナリズム学科修士課程にて学ぶ。帰国後、米系経済通信社で英文記者職を経て、英文誌『Mini World』編集長に就任。2003年中経出版にて雑誌『English Zone』を創刊。2009年株式会社グローパルを設立、雑誌『English Plus』(成美堂出版)監修、『オタリーマン』シリーズ他のマンガ企画、書籍・デジタルコンテンツの制作&プロデュースを行っている。
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