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Product Description of PEX 570

MWP Co., Ltd.
6-19-2 Toyosu, Koto-ku
Tokyo, Japan 135-0061
Phone: (81)3-xxxx-xxxx / Fax: (81)3-xxxx-xxxx
E-mail: sales@mwpc.co.jp
URL: www.mwpc.co.jp


OverviewPEX 570 - a multifunction laser printer perfect for your office
In today's office environment, combining high efficiency and eco-friendliness is the key to success. This multifunctional printer allows you to print up to 30 pages per minute, and provides the first copy in approximately eight seconds. It is also equipped with a clever energy-saving function. Just by pushing a button on the bottom of the machine, it saves 25% electricity compared to our conventional PEX 550 printer. The built-in Ethernet port enables network printing and PC faxing. Of course you can fax and scan with high resolution. MWP's PEX 570 provides convenient features in one durable, fast and energy-efficient copier.
Specifications Dimensions (W×D×H): 18.6×19.5×19.3 (inches)
Colors: Black, Silver, White
Functions include printer, copier, scanner and fax.
Service & Support2-year warranty
Installation free of charge
Ordering detailsDelivery: 1-2 weeks after receiving an order
How to purchase: Order directly from MWP Co., Ltd. using a purchase order. You can now test a PEX 570 in your office by placing a 30-day trial purchase order.
NotesLimited-time offer of $699 until the end of October 2012.
Price and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Please contact us at sales@mwpc.co.jp if you would like additional information for this product.
We look forward to your reply.


Overview / Specifications
商品を売り込むために使う商品説明書には、overview「(製品)概要」やspecifications「仕様」のほか、model number「製品番号」、product release date「販売開始日」、accessories「付属品」、sales area「販売地域」、ingredients「原材料」、materials「素材」、price「値段」などの項目を加えることもあります。
This multifunctional printer allows you to print up to 30 pages per minute, and provides the first copy in approximately eight seconds.
Dimensions (W×D×H): 18.6×19.5×19.3 (inches)


inch / inches (1 in. = 2.54 cm)
foot / feet (1 ft. = 30.48 cm)
yard / yards (1 yd. = 0.9144 m)
mile / miles (1 m. ≒ 1609 m)


ounce / ounces (1 oz. ≒ 28.35 g)
pound / pounds (1 lb. = 454 g)
Ordering details
「発注情報」という意味で、その商品の注文や配達に関する情報を記載します。ここでは、配達にかかる時間と購入方法について書かれていますが、Delivery cost is at buyer's expense.「発送費はお客様の負担となります」といった内容もここに記載します。


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