English Upgrader+ ツールから選ぶ



9-6-19 Shiba
Minato-ku, Tokyo
Japan 123-5500

September 19, 2012

Ms. Joanna Miller
OPQ Advertising
2647 Gold Street
Chicago, IL 60602 USA

Dear Ms. Miller:

During the recent trade fair in Tokyo, one of your sales representatives, Paul Graham, informed me of a job opening for a senior director in your Sales and Promotion Division.I am very interested in this position because I believe I have the qualifications to fill it, and I have confidence that I will be able to contribute to the increase in sales of OPQ Advertising through sales promotion activities.

I have been working as a promotion coordinator for 12 years. The areas of my work vary from planning and implementing effective promotion campaigns to improving operations. As noted in the enclosed resume, one of my projects won the Best Promotion Award in the 2006 Japan Sales & Promotion Contest. My greatest strengths are marketing knowledge and survey skills accumulated during my 7-year experience as an assistant market analyst.Conducting surveys and analyzing the results over the years has given me accurate analysis skills of survey results and the quickness to grasp consumer trends, which lead to creating effective sales promotion campaigns.

I would appreciate the chance to discuss this position with you at your convenience.If you have questions, or would like additional information, I can be contacted at (81)90-xxxx-xxxx or saki_ikeda@pmail.com (e-mail). Thank you for your time and consideration.


Saki Ikeda

Saki Ikeda
Enclosure: Resume


One of your sales representatives, Paul Graham, informed me of a job opening for a senior director in your Sales and Promotion Division.
カバーレターでは、最初に採用情報を知るに至った経緯を簡潔に説明します。ここでは<人+informed me of ~>「(人)が私に教えてくれました」という表現を使っていますが、ほかに<I learned from+人+that ~>「(人)から~と伺いました」やI learned that you may be recruiting ~「御社が~を募集していると伺いました」などの形を使うこともできます。
The areas of my work vary from planning and implementing effective promotion campaigns to improving operations.
As noted in the enclosed resume, one of my projects won the Best Promotion Award in the 2006 Japan Sales & Promotion Contest.
今までにしてきた仕事の内容は1文目のように伝えます。the areas of my work vary from ~ to ...「私の職務内容は~から…まで多岐にわたります」や、my responsibilities involved ~〔I was involved in ~〕「私の仕事は~でした」といった表現を使うとよいでしょう。相手に自分を印象付けるためには、2文目のように受賞経験を書いたり、数値を使って業績を伝えたりします。その場合、As noted in the enclosed resume「同封の履歴書にある通り」などの表現を使い、読み手に履歴書を読んでもらえるようにするとよいでしょう。
My greatest strengths are marketing knowledge and survey skills accumulated during my 7-year experience as an assistant market analyst.
自分のセールスポイントや、履歴書に書いた内容で最もアピールしたい点を書きます。My greatest strength is ~「私の最大の強みは~」のほかにもI have confidence in ~〔I am particularly proud of ~〕「私は(特に)~に自信を持っています」やMy ability to ~ would be a valuable asset to your company.「私の~能力は御社にとって貴重な資産となるでしょう」などの表現を積極的に使います。
I would appreciate the chance to discuss this position with you at your convenience.
最後に、面接の機会を与えてほしい旨と自分への連絡方法を伝えます。I would appreciate the chance〔opportunity〕 to discuss ~「~についてお話しできる機会をいただければ光栄です」のほか、I hope you would arrange an interview for me at your earliest convenience.「早急に面接の機会をいただきたく存じます」といった表現がよく使われます。
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Enclosure: Resume
reference letter「紹介状」やletter of recommendation「推薦状」などを同封する場合は、カバーレターの末尾にこのように記載します。


    英語教材専門の編集プロダクション。1990年設立。ビジネス英語、一般英会話から、大学用英語テキスト、中高生用学習教材、幼児・小学生英語まで、幅広く原稿執筆、編集制作、DTPならびにCD、DVD制作を行う。最近の制作物には『旅コトバ帳シリーズ』(成美堂出版刊)、『コメディドラマでENGLISH』(デアゴスティーニ刊)、Asahi Weekly連載記事など。

      English Upgrader+はTOEIC Programの出題内容とは関係ありません。日々の英語学習にお役立て下さい。


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