About the TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test

Measuring English-language listening and reading skills
The TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test measures two English-language skills: listening and reading.
Benefits of Taking the TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test

For working adults,enhance your career and opportunities for overseas postings.

For students, increase your chances of entering the university or company of your choice.

Use test scores to gain qualifications or qualify as a volunteer.
Test Format and Content
The TOEIC L&R is an objective test using an optically-scanned answer sheet. There are 200 questions to answer in two hours in Listening (approximately 45 minutes, 100 questions) and Reading (75 minutes, 100 questions). The test format is same each time, and the answers are all filled in on a separate answer sheet. The test is only in English. There are no questions involving translating from Japanese to English, or from English to Japanese.
Test Results and Score Descriptors
The TOEIC L&R results are presented as a score on a scale of 10 to 990, rather than a pass or a fail.